Central Bank of India, one of the oldest public sector banks, mandates unique IFSC codes for each of its branches. These codes are vital for modern transactions like NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS, ensuring that every payment goes directly to the intended branch account. Incorporating high-search-volume, low-KD keywords around “IFSC” and “online banking,” we make it simple to locate the precise code you need. By double-checking your beneficiary’s branch code and account details, you can avoid delayed or failed transfers. If you frequently send money to Central Bank of India accounts, keeping track of the correct IFSC code is essential for efficient financial management. Whether you’re paying utility bills, receiving salary credits, or conducting large business transactions, using the right IFSC streamlines your online experience. Our database serves as a quick reference for all your branch-specific needs.
{{ this.bank }}
{{ this.ifsc }}
{{ this.address || 'NA' }}
{{ this.phone && this.phone !== '0' ? this.phone : 'NA' }}
{{ifscData.bank}} IFSC Codes
State: {{ detail.state }}
IFSC: {{ detail.ifsc }}
Branch: {{ detail.branch }}
Address: {{ detail.address || 'NA' }}
Phone: {{ detail.phone || 'NA' }}