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Impact of Rental Payments on Credit Scores - June 2024

30 May 2024 3 mins Personal Finance

 Impact of Rental Payments on Credit Scores - June 2024

Rent payments often fly under the radar on credit reports because landlords typically don't report them to major credit bureaus. However, you can ensure your rent history counts by:

  • Convincing your landlord to use a rent reporting service.
  • Enrolling in a paid rent reporting service.
  • Leveraging Experian Boost to incorporate rent payments into your Experian credit report.

Rental History and Credit Reports: A Rare Sight

Although rental payments can technically be included in credit reports, it's a rarity. While credit bureaus do accept rental data, it's seldom seen on reports because landlords usually don't provide this information. They're not obliged to report your payment history or other rental details unless there's unpaid debt sent to collections, which then appears on your credit report.

Why Rent Payments Go Unreported

Rent payments often remain off credit reports not because they lack significance, but because landlords typically don't report them to major credit bureaus like Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Here's how to make sure your rent is recorded on time, which could improve your credit score.

How to Update Your Credit Reports with Rent Payments

Here are some methods to make sure your rent payments are recorded because landlords are reluctant to submit to credit bureaus:

  • Talk to your landlord about getting them to sign up for a rent reporting service.
  • Select Paid Services: Pay for a subscription to a service that notifies credit bureaus of your rent payments. While some concentrate on one or two of the three main bureaus, others serve all three.
  • Make use of Experian Boost: You may add rent payments and other regular bills to your Experian credit report, like utility and phone bills, using this free service. Many users witness an immediate uptick in their FICO® Score based on Experian data.

Does Paying Rent Impact Your Credit Score?

If rent payments find their way onto your credit report, contemporary credit scoring systems like the latest FICO® Score and VantageScore® may incorporate them. A history of punctual rent payments can positively influence your credit scores.

Using Experian Boost to document online rent payments has the potential to elevate your FICO® Score 8 based on Experian credit data.

What Information Does a Credit Report Contain?

Credit reports primarily encompass data from lenders such as banks, credit unions, and credit card providers. They consist of four main sections:

  • Personal Information: Details like your name, date of birth, addresses, phone numbers, and employment history.
  • Accounts: Information pertaining to your credit and loan accounts, including balances, payment history, and status.
  • Public Records: Records of bankruptcy filings, which typically remain on the report for seven to ten years.
  • Inquiries: Records of requests to view your credit report, with hard inquiries affecting your credit scores and soft inquiries having no impact.

Final Takeaway

Rental payment history can offer insights into your creditworthiness, and contemporary credit scoring systems may factor it into your credit scores. However, it's unlikely to feature on your credit report unless you proactively take steps to report it. If you're keen to leverage your rent payment history to enhance your credit scores, consider utilizing Experian Boost to share this data with credit bureaus.

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